Search setup for custom post type

Due to the new implementations, changes have been made, and new options have been introduced to better manage search results, providing more flexibility. Considering this is a different post type, a different search function is also necessary. In the cloud templates ->  cpts/taxonomies — a search template can be created for each custom post type (CPT). For blog posts, the search template is the one from General.

Search template CPTs
Search template CPTs

There are three options for configuring the search functionality:

  • Default: If no post type has been specified for the search element (header live search, search form), it will use default parameters and include posts and pages (unless excluded) in the search results.
  • If a custom post type is set on the search shortcode, then the search results will consist of articles from the custom post type set on the element.
Custom post type on search element
Custom post type on search element
  • If a custom post type is set on the search element, but a different custom post type is set on the block in the search template, then the search function will return articles that are relevant to the custom post type set on the block, disregarding the post type set on the search element.
Different CPT on search element and block
Different CPT on search element and block